Monday, August 24, 2009


A lot of people dream about being a hapa. They think that hapas are the most beautiful chidren, the best students, successful in general.

Yes, you might find a bright and gorgeous hapa but I guess what, you could find bright and gorgeous people from any races. So why all this talk about hapas? First of all, it is seen as something politically correct to encourage mixed relationships nowadays. I wonder how the crowd would react if you expressed the idea that those relationships were somehow wrong. In the same way, not agreeing that mixed people are the most intelligent, interesting, smart, appealing, would not be consensual. An other reason that explain the alleged hapas' success is that it makes folks involved in an interracial relationship feel better about themselves. How many times did I ear from asian women that they were dating a white man because hapa kids are the most beautiful?

So, do you want to know what it really is to be a hapa? Well, you will just have fifty percent of your heritage coming from a white parent and fifty percent from your asian one. Does that mean you will look fifty-fifty? Nope. White? No. Asian? No. You might end up looking just asian, mixed, or fairly white (I think Keannu Reeves, Lennon's son, Bruce Lee's son) but chances are you will look hapa. You might get a long nose with slanted eyes and fair skin or some round eyes, a flat nose and a dark skin. You just don't know what will come out.

Personally, I have a western nose and bones facial structure with slightly slanted brown (a bit green too) eyes and a semi-fair semi-asian skin color. I would say that I am attractive, I would probably try to be a model if I were a bit taller, yes I am just 1m77, and that I am a hapa looking hapa (american people know directly by looking at me that I am Eurasian). By saying that, I am not trying to show off (I even said that i am not tall) or anything like that but just to give you some more information about me so that you can understand my perspectives about different issues because those issues are based about the way people look at me so my race and my appearance matter.

My mother is a californian Asian-American and my dad a white European (I will not tell which country in particular for privacy purposes but let's just say that it is a "prestigious" European country). I grew up in Europe and now live in California.

Now that you know a little bit more about me I will just leave you with new post coming tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.

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